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Judi Williams

Here at Great Beginnings we believe that everyone can be amazing, and we can all deliver exceptional performance given the right context and opportunities. We also believe that every job has a purpose, and it should inspire you and compel you to action. When you are fulfilling a worthwhile purpose, employing your strengths, and playing to your values your work will charge you up and energise you rather than being an emotionally draining experience.

The performance of people is directly proportional to the extent that their natural talents and strengths are utilised and visible, plus the positive context within which they work.

Great Beginnings has been working in the field of optimizing performance since 1998, and we have had many memorable experiences finding out what makes people tick in the workplace. We then shape this knowledge so that it can be replicated and passed on through leaders and coaches.

Our beliefs are that everyone has potential to be more than he or she currently is, none of us stops learning, and there is a leader inside each of us, just waiting to get out. Our aim at Great Beginnings is to foster the natural need for people to be successful at being the best they can be. We help them to understand who they are, to explore their own natural resources, and to harness the authentic leader within.

We have devised a number of interventions to support this possibility. Through coaching, learning and consulting, we guide and support organisations, teams and individuals towards increased productivity, greater positivity, personal growth and enhanced success.

Judi Williams, Managing Director and Lead Coach, Great Beginnings.